Token Boosting Mechanism

In Season 2, the token boosting mechanism will calculate weekly based on match outcomes for the teams represented by the emblems users hold. This update provides a more consistent and rewarding way to earn $EUFT, depending on the performance of your teams.

Weekly Boost Calculation

  • Match Win: Each emblem associated with a team that wins a match will earn 100 $EUFT for the week.

  • Match Draw: Each emblem associated with a team that draws a match will earn 30 $EUFT for the week.

The total boost for the week will depend on how many of your emblem teams win or draw during that period.

Example: Weekly Boost Calculation

Let’s assume you own 5 emblems, each representing teams in different leagues. Here’s how the boost would work based on the match outcomes for that week:

  • Team 1: Wins 1 match

  • Team 2: Draws 2 matches

  • Team 3: Wins 2 matches

  • Team 4: Draws 1 match

  • Team 5: No matches played

Boost Calculation:

  • Team 1 (1 win): 100 $EUFT

  • Team 2 (2 draws): 30 $EUFT × 2 = 60 $EUFT

  • Team 3 (2 wins): 100 $EUFT × 2 = 200 $EUFT

  • Team 4 (1 draw): 30 $EUFT

  • Team 5: 0 $EUFT (no matches played)

Total Weekly Boost: 100 (Team 1) + 60 (Team 2) + 200 (Team 3) + 30 (Team 4) = 390 $EUFT for the week.

This weekly boosting mechanism ensures that active participation through emblem collection and team performance directly enhances your $EUFT earnings. The more emblems you own, and the better your teams perform, the greater your weekly rewards!

Last updated